Saturday, April 7, 2007

week 6

I first heard about Otis during my sophomore year in high school. I thought Otis was a great college because students would have professors available to help so that they’re able to become better artist. From the presentation I also thought the students faculty seemed very nice, well educated, and willing to help. I never got the chance to visit the campus before I applied, so the presentation was my only reference. I didn’t know what to expect from Otis since it was an art school and very different from a UC or Ivy League. I felt like I was going into Otis blind folded. Into my first year at Otis I can say that most of my professors are really helpful and I have become a better drawer. I expected to experience a relaxing first semester, fun, and so forth, however it was really all about work. My experience so far has been good. In my classes I know it’s always a learning experience and so far it’s been interesting.

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